Saturday, August 18, 2012


Dear Anyone Who Will Listen,
I am a 15 year old girl who cares about America and all the generations in it. But I am not so sure that America will continue to be standing so strong in the future. In fact I am beginning to doubt the morals of this nation and if America will be able to bravely stand up to the hard times as we have before.

I have moved fifteen times in my lifetime all around the U.S.A and even out of the country. Some moves were the result of the military and some for personal reasons. I have grown up in military-public schools as well as non-military. These experiences have allowed me to be exposed to almost every race, every personality type, and many situations that took me out of my comfort zone. I have met people of all ages and all from unique backgrounds. And all my life I have been observing, learning, and interacting with these people. TV and the internet have allowed me to observe people around the world as well. I have laughed with these people, I have cried with some, and many I have cried for in my heart.

I have watched politicians and news reporters battle out discussions and simply put, I am frustrated with the issues that are going on today. Taking notice of drugs, alcohol, poverty, teen-pregnancies, illness, decease, death, murder, bullying, obesity, and modern-day slavery to name a few, I recognize life and America is not perfect. But it is something worth preserving. I can see it in the eyes of my father, who is a military officer, my classmates with big dreams, and in the stories of our forefathers who dedicated their lives to liberty. My heart screams for this liberty and justice!

Have our forefathers fought so immensely with so much heart, dedication, believing in justice dangerously, building up the greatest nation the world has ever seen-a nation where everyone is created equal, where anyone can dream, where opportunity and freedom are abundant, with the power to chose, built up with citizens who fight for justice, founded on liberty (at least that is what I am told America is)-just so it can be torn down again? By a few greedy politicians, a group of lazy individuals, and unmotivated citizens?  Just so it can make a good story for future generations who can only hope of someday making a life for themselves?

America has gone to far to stop or slow down now. With technology advances, medical and scientific discoveries, people from all ways of life, we are a country worth saving and a country worth fighting for! Why am I so deeply concerned? I have been shaken into reality that these issues that my elders, these politicians, and my parents are dealing with today are going to affect my future and my generation. It even affects me today.  I work hard, have a job, and have to pay taxes too!

Passionately, I am taking a hold of my opportunity of freedom of speech. I can not vote yet but am still affected by this 2012 president election and with that deserve to still be apart in it. Inspired by my father, he has encouraged me to state my views, and give an honest outlook to the inward wars of America. I am not leaning to the right or the left but simply observing America and giving a perspective of a 15 year old girl. I have an honest voice, a voice who simply yearns to be heard and a voice from someone who believes that liberty, life, and justice are still worth preserving. Videos and more honest perspective on the debates today are more to come.